

I went to the Doctor last week thursday. Now I am sure your saying "who gives a care?" well I go cause I have had a sore elbow since before christmas. Now being a big tough farm boy I decide it will go away.. no such luck. I finally go to doctor chow. He says (after fondling my arm for a whole 2 minutes) you have tennis elbow. I assured him that although I have a stunning body all ripped and all that, I had never played Tennis. So we finally decide it was from playing guitar that I had developed tendenitis in my arm. Well I says in my big strong farmer voice, how do we fix this and he says you could go to a therapist ( and I am thinking NOT LIKELY!! I have no issues that talking to shirnk would help with) LOL His other option was a cortezone shot. Well I am thinking I can get a shot and boom all fixed! He says OK but you will be a little sore for a few days so you may wanna take a few days off. I say what I am a big strong farm boy and what can a little shot in my elbow do? Really how much pain could there be? He laughs and says well he thinks I should take Friday off and I say yes just to get the thing over with.

Well... Let me tell you Thursday night I didn't sleep a wink. Even breathing made my arm throb. Friday I lay on the couch ( which I NEVER EVER Do) well ok sometimes., and whimpered like a little girl. I mean every time I moved it hurt. I could hardly change channels on the tv. I mean I was that sore.. Really.. So Friday sucked.. Saturday was a wee bit better.. althought the wife made me go shopping even though I whined and grimiced the whole time from the pain. ( ok i just didn't want to shop) Sunday much better.. was even able to play my guitar again whew. Was afraid I was done strummimg and that would suck.

It was under these extreme painfull conditions that I picked out my sons gum ( check out Craig's blog) as well as his B-day Card..

So In conclusion... It was the horrible pain, and the desire to get done shopping and get home for the NASCAR race that made me grab thoses 2 items.

NOT MY FAULT.... DR. CHOW is the pervert here... not me!!